Saturday, January 15, 2011

drama + cupcakes

I love the food network. They recently started this new show called Cupcake Wars. Naturally, since making cupcakes has become a hobby of mine, I tuned in. Ah, there is so much drama! I love it, (so much so that I decided to use it as inspiration for this blog).

The contestants get so worked up, and there is always some disaster that occurs to make things interesting. Who knew baking cupcakes could be so stressful? However, despite the craziness, there is always a guarantee you'll see some beautifully decorated mouthwatering cupcakes - success. Not to mention the cute host who only seems to speak in puns, entertaining but sad. I do not particularly like puns, but I try to take comfort in the idea that he is scripted.

Nonetheless, I highly recommend this show. It's simple and carefree entertainment to watch in your free time (and when 30 Rock isn't on).

And now for the typical "first post" blabber: we're going to see how I do with this blogging stuff. I'll try to keep everything short and interesting, but I'm pretty excited to start writing. Anyway, more posts to come later.

1 comment:

  1. How cute! I partially watched the most recent episode, but I need to rewatch it again. I think they were doing wedding cupcakes!
